How to play Realm of Valor (RoV) Thailand when living abroad
Posted by: Teamzababy
Posted on: 23/04/2024
View: 13,035

How to play RoV Thailand Server when living abroad ? 🎮

Playing on any RoV server doesn't feel as comfortable as the Thai server. For those abroad who miss playing RoV on the Thai server but don't know how to access it, even with high-speed internet, lag and high ping can be problematic. To make matters worse, some countries block the game or even prevent it from being downloaded.

Today, we have a solution. Just use VPN4Games ⚡️ to reduce lag, lower ping, and stabilize your connection. It also lets you access other games, both domestically and internationally, because we offer services across 100 servers in 20 countries. Follow the steps below to start using it.



Here is a guide on how to use VPN4Games to play RoV 🎮 

1. First, make sure you have the RoV game installed. If you already have it on your device, you're good to go. If you've downloaded it before, you can re-download it from the store.

2. If you don't have the RoV game app, you'll need to switch your store region to the Thai store to download it.

3. The other thing you'll need is VPN4Games. You can search for it in the store, or click on this link to download it.

VPN4Games For iOS and VPN4Games For Android

4. You can sign up through the app or on the website.


**Note: Password requirements:

  • Passwords must contain numbers 0-9.
  • Passwords must include special characters such as +, -, *, /, @, etc.
  • Passwords must have uppercase letters A-Z.

📢**Confirm your email to get an extra day of free usage.**📢

5. Go to the Server page and select a Thai server. It's recommended to choose from Server 4-10, as they tend to have the most stable ping.


6. Enter the game and confidently jump into ranked matches with low ping, no spikes, and no disconnections. Test the speed and ping before and after using VPN4Games⚡️.


With these steps, you can fully enjoy battling with your friends in Thailand. Just let VPN4Games⚡️ be your guide.

Freedom for game lovers means enjoying your games without limits. 🧡


You can keep up with the latest news, monthly promotions, or discount codes by following the Facebook page: VPN4Games .

Additionally, VPN4Games has a support team ready to assist with any usage issues. You can reach them through these contact methods:



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